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Dapatkan Stok Foto Tekstur Gratis Di Texturevault

Dapatkan Stok Foto Tekstur Gratis Di Texturevault. Bagi seorang web designer atau graphic designer yang memerlukan stok tekstur sebagai background atau karya kreatif masing-masing, anda bisa dapatkan secara GRATIS di Texturevault.

Texturevault menyediakan foto tekstur berkualitas yang didukung oleh komunitas yang mengirimkan stok foto mereka. Anda sebagai member dapat mengirimkan serta menjual stok foto tekstur anda, serta anda dapat mendownload tekstur dengan gratis khusus untuk gambar dengan kualitas menengah, biasanya kualitas menengah digunakan untuk artikel atau blog. Bagi yang membutuhkan kualitas tinggi, anda cukup membayar $2 atau $4 untuk kualitas premium/High Quality Textures.

Daftarkan diri anda untuk mendapat akun gratis serta mendapat fitur "add to lightbox", rating tekstur, komentar, dan masih banyak lagi.

Bagi anda seorang fotografer, anda juga dapat mencari uang dengan cara meng-upload foto tekstur anda dan menjualnya serta mendapat 60% dari nilai penjualan foto anda.

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Website Texturevault dapat diakses di http://www.texturevault.net/

10 Tips for Shooting for Graphic Textures

Remnant Productions has ten tips for photographers to hone their texture skills:

1. Use side light: Side light will always bring out more significant texture than direct lighting.

2. Don’t get too fancy, but shoot with an angle. Remember that there is always a place for the seemingly unoriginal texture of dirt, but don’t be afraid to shoot that dirt from a variety of different angles and positions.

3. Remember that while the image is an essential piece of the work, it is not the only piece. Think about how well the image will blend with text, other images, and layout.

4. Shoot with the highest resolution possible. Graphic artists may take your image and magnify it to emphasize the texture in a piece. This is not possible if your image is low quality.

5. Shoot in unexpected places. Dumps and recycling facilities have a surprising amount of easy-to-spot textures. Metal, wood, plastics, rust – and all in a variety of conditions. These textures are invaluable to graphic artists.

6. Pay attention to color. Graphic artists pay special attention to color theory. As color communicates powerfully in design, be sure to do everything possible to unify the color schemes to your image, and make the color as vivid and vibrant as possible.

7. Look to the skies. A vivid blue sky or dark and stormy clouds always have a place in a graphic artists’ texture library. As these horizon images are often used as backgrounds, be sure to capture in a maximum resolution size.

8. Be a team player. If a graphic artist requests a shot, do whatever you can to understand exactly what he is looking for. Don’t complain if the shot you come back with doesn’t work. Always be willing to go back out and try again.

9. Specifically go for lack of detail. You don’t want a lot of variation in color or pattern. Keep it simple.

10. Shoot your textures in a series. Find a good patch of concrete? Get a series of that concrete in a variety of different places, angles, and position. Then you can offer it as a package.

Need high quality textures?
Visit texturevault.net for high quality royalty free texture images. Thousands of premium textures available at your fingertips.

10 Tips for Shooting for Graphic Textures

Remnant Productions has ten tips for photographers to hone their texture skills:

1. Use side light: Side light will always bring out more significant texture than direct lighting.

2. Don’t get too fancy, but shoot with an angle. Remember that there is always a place for the seemingly unoriginal texture of dirt, but don’t be afraid to shoot that dirt from a variety of different angles and positions.

3. Remember that while the image is an essential piece of the work, it is not the only piece. Think about how well the image will blend with text, other images, and layout.

4. Shoot with the highest resolution possible. Graphic artists may take your image and magnify it to emphasize the texture in a piece. This is not possible if your image is low quality.

5. Shoot in unexpected places. Dumps and recycling facilities have a surprising amount of easy-to-spot textures. Metal, wood, plastics, rust – and all in a variety of conditions. These textures are invaluable to graphic artists.

6. Pay attention to color. Graphic artists pay special attention to color theory. As color communicates powerfully in design, be sure to do everything possible to unify the color schemes to your image, and make the color as vivid and vibrant as possible.

7. Look to the skies. A vivid blue sky or dark and stormy clouds always have a place in a graphic artists’ texture library. As these horizon images are often used as backgrounds, be sure to capture in a maximum resolution size.

8. Be a team player. If a graphic artist requests a shot, do whatever you can to understand exactly what he is looking for. Don’t complain if the shot you come back with doesn’t work. Always be willing to go back out and try again.

9. Specifically go for lack of detail. You don’t want a lot of variation in color or pattern. Keep it simple.

10. Shoot your textures in a series. Find a good patch of concrete? Get a series of that concrete in a variety of different places, angles, and position. Then you can offer it as a package.

Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/10-tips-for-shooting-for-graphic-textures#ixzz0cOvpPEPQ
Anda baru saja membaca artikel yang berkategori Jual Beli Foto / Teknik Fotografi dengan judul Dapatkan Stok Foto Tekstur Gratis Di Texturevault. Anda bisa bookmark halaman ini dengan URL https://kenangan-lintang.blogspot.com/2010/01/dapatkan-stok-foto-tekstur-gratis-di.html. Terima kasih!
Ditulis oleh: Joko Catur - Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

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